& District Football Association
Contact ODFA
Orange and District Football Association
PO Box 1273, Orange 2800
Please read this before you contact the ODFA
The ODFA receives a large number of emails throughout the year from this website. To manage those emails, the following information should be considered BEFORE you contact the association using the form below.
If you're looking for a club to play for or a team for yourself or your child, please firstly the visit the 'Clubs' page and contact clubs directly through their email contacts, websites or social media pages
The ODFA can't tell you what team your child has been placed into or if there are any spots left in a team. This is done by individual club registrars, so as above, please contact your club first.
If you're looking to lodge a complaint to ODFA, please have the compliant lodged by a committee member of your club. Complaints from individual players will not be accepted if they have not been sent through club channels and supported by your club in the first instance.
Please do not email the competition secretary or use this contact form asking when draws will be posted. Draws will be made available at the start of the year and posted immediately when they are ready.
If you have a genuine question about draws or tables, please email the competition secretary at administrator@orangefootball.org.au
Please don't ask where your team is playing on the weekend. You can download all draws from the Draws and Tables page and you can find where the grounds are on the 'Field Plans' page
Please don't ask about wet weather decisions. As per ODFA rules information about we weather cancellations will be posted on this website and on Facebook as soon as the decision is made.
If you have any questions about the Female Summer Competitions this is the correct form to use. If you are interested in the Mens or Mixed twilight summer competition, please contact Waratahs Senior Soccer Club through their website or Facebook page
Thank you for considering the above information